Sunday, June 17, 2001


(my loathing for AOL) runs deep, so deep, so deep puts my butt to sleep.

I had a nice long annotated BLARG for all ten of you, but the fucking "inactivity" clause of AOL's fascist bastard conglomerate machine cut it out by ignoring my wish to, indeed, stay online. Shit.

Notes from the Car Ride***1***: I played Yahtzee (renamed Nahtzee by a not so loving Ryan). My new record is 460. Sara says she once got 600, but she can't prove it, and I don't believe her. You'd have to get like 7 Yahtzees! to get that high a score, and she ain't that lucky. So Unless you prove otherwise, I am the champion.

Notes from Six Flags:
Mr. Freeze: "oh man..." This ride had one of the shortest lines, but for no good reason. 30 seconds of pure roller coaster madness. Here's what happens, you get on, it shoots you forward really fast, you do a few spirals and loops and whatnot, you get to the end and go up this steep vertical incline where you stop for about 1 second, and then do the whole thing over...backwards. Ech. my head hurts thinking about it. They made everyone take off all facial rings. Why? If you know, let me know. Shawn and I spent the rest of the day calling it "Mistah Freeeeze" Ahnold style.

Batman: renamed "batman the line" by Ryan, it took us about 45 minutes to get on, and 1/1000 of the time to ride it. Worth it. Ryan was thirsty, her tolerance level was at absolute zero. $2.50 Coke took care of that.

The Ninja: Loops. Fast. Someone saying "think of all the germs!", about the headrests.

The Boss: "Who is Richard" read the sign above the platform. Apparently some dude decided his life's main goal was to break the Roller Coaster riding record by riding this beast made of wood and steel***2*** for the entire summer. That's right, this guy is, at this very moment, riding the Boss. He will be doing so for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, until August 10th. I know this because I met him.***3***We picked the line that he was sitting in, so ours only moved at half the pace as everyone elses. When we got up to it, he was strapped in, his face tan yet strangely sick looking, surrounded by a few feet of styrofoam padding, his wrists attatched to the handrail by plastic ties, his knees and wrists padded. When we were about to get in, he goes "I'll be right Back" and ran to get a sip of water. We're friends now. They were selling "I did the Boss" t-shirts. Some guy was wearing one, his dunlap all over the place. Don't be that guy.

I miss you too.

More later....

The next five songs on yer radio....more later.

***1***Ryan at one point asked me if the writing I was doing at Six Flags was "for the Blog", to which I answered "what kind of guy do I look like?", which really doesn't mean I said "Yes" or "no". What kind of guy do I look like?
***2***and Germs!
***3***Have you figured it out yet that when I say "met" I mean "saw"?


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