Sunday, June 17, 2001


Someone Upstairs is Going to Die: I finally figured out why the bass from their stereos carries so much into our apartment - all of their speakers are sitting on the floor. So, I'm seriously thinking of going out to Wal*Mart and buying some stools, sneaking into their apartment when they wouldn't notice, and propping them all up. I think they "Ding-Dong-Ditched" us last night (although we don't even have a doorbell). I was fucking pissed, cause I'd been asleep for about three hours already, and was loathe to be woken up in a fit of what sounded like somone hammering nails into the wall directly next to my bed. Then, I hear country music start to blast from their living room (Note: it's going on 3:45am), so I grab the broom by the fridge and start pounding it on the ceiling, all the while yelling "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU FUCKING HICKS!!!" A few kicks from above, and an abrupt stop of the music, and I could finally go back to sleep. Bitches.

I also had some kind of strange dream that involved me having to start a daycare center here in the apartment for some reason. Don't ask, because I honestly don't remember. Maybe it has something to do with taking my next door neighbors at home (Note: six year old twin girls - Hannah & Emma) door to door to sell lemonade. I got paid a big, fat, shiny quarter to help them cross the street. You're jealous, aren't you? It was hard work - sure - but it was totally worth it.