Friday, June 01, 2001


28. Shrek - Laugh if you want. Go ahead, but know this: funny movie. So many jokes that would completely go over kids heads, but somehow were hysterical to us old folks. And the part where the gingerbread man is being interrogated is absolutely fabulous, specifically because they do a spoken word version of "the Muffin Man". That song has special meaning because Rick sang it for a good portion of Straight Legged Kick's last tour.

Where in the world should Marcgo? I am now taking submissions for journeys that I might take in a month or so. If you live somewhere exotic, foreign, or just out and out exciting, and you know cool shit to do, let me know. I have about a month and a half at the end of the summer where I am schedule-less (is that a word?). Through my former employers (ie- the USA government), I racked up about 200,000 frequent flyer miles on United, and I'm looking for somewhere to go. This could all be the beer talking, granted, but I'm looking for something different. I don't want to just sit around here and watch movies all the stinkin' time, 'kay?