Thursday, May 31, 2001


Fade out again.

So I'm home early for the third straight day. This always happens, there'll be a week of 1/2 days and then an entire month without a drop of rain or a reason to leave early. Guess you can no longer call me Even Steven. Today it rained fairly hard and soaked me to the bone. I also electrocuted myself. This also happens frequently. The thing is, it feels pretty good. Most of the time people are afraid to do it because they think it will hurt, but actually it feels strangely...fine. The current ran up my arms from the extension cord and I was stuck the ground for a second and I could feel the electricity running through my veins. It scared the shit out of me, but instead of yelling "FUCK!" like I usually do when something scares me***1***I just smiled not unlike a dirty hippy smiles when you tell him his hair is the greasiest shit you've ever seen, and went "Ahhhh".

And this is no bullshit: to compound my eternal nocturnal fears of undomesticated animals***2***, the woman who's house we're working on told me a story yesterday about her mother being attacked by crows. She was golfing, and they were walking down the fairway and this fucking crow attacked her. And drew blood, and cut her face enough to deserve stitches. I thought we had a deal with the birds?!!? There's no deal with the raccoons, so I need a deal with the birds. Now when I go camping, I'm not only going to be looking in the bushes whenever the wind blows but also looking up and around at the fucking birds, who at any time could just go postal and attack me. Shit.

Tomorrow night means a rock show of epic proportions, seeing as though bluetip are great and the's are greater. And if I don't have to out.

Today, WXRT played a classic little ditty by the name of "My Old School". Quite possibly, no definitely, my favorite 'Dan song.***3***

The next five songs on yer radio in a perfect world would be: "My Old School" by Steely Dan; "Car" by Built to spill; "don't be sad" by whiskeytown; "red eyed + blue" by wilco; and "song for kelly huckaby" by death cab for cutie.

That issue of Hit it or Quit It! I wrote for will be out the second week of June. Pick it up, if only for Jessica's fantastic musings on being a girl in punk rock. Hilarious.

And P.S. the essay Marcie spoke of, the David Foster Wallace essay on Illiniois, will be required reading for my high school seniors (if I ever get any to teach...)

***1***See my encounter with any animal; or my horror at discovering my mom pulled the switch-a-roo on me with the baked beans again.
***2***Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, see just about every post I've ever made.
***3***Along with "Kid Charalmagne"; "Hey Nineteen"; "Do it Again" and "Deacon Blues".


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