Wednesday, May 30, 2001


This is futile!

A few quick thoughts on Traffic***1***. First, Marcus I agree that the movie has no apparent conclusion. However, my problem with John Irving is that he tells you everything: what shoe size the characters wear, where they got their hair cut as a young child, if they like broccoli or not. Regardless of whether or not this information plays into the plot and/or story. Ryan is a big Irving fan, but she acknowledges this. I argue that this is not a strength, but a fairly important weakness. What Soderbergh does is tell you a story that intertwines, and then lets you fill in the gaps. I think we know what happens: Benicio is doomed, but he understands. The wire in Ayala's office probably will be found the next day, but its not that it might catch them that's important, its that it makes Don Cheadle feel as if he has done something. Quaid is dead. Michael Douglas is taking an active role, which should increase Caroline's chances. The point is, this is the way I see it. All this could be wrong. That's what I like.

Second, Don Cheadle is a god only closely chased by Jon Cryer. And Matt Damon***2***

Third, the way Sorderberg shot it...the differences in the lighting and grain of the film. I don't know why I like it, I just do.

Fourth, I liked it. It made me feel good, like good movies should. Not good like "Oh, I'm so happy"***3*** but like "That was good. I liked it".

Fifth, Rob Schneider is feuding with Ben Affleck. That sickens and saddens me, mostly because those dudez are famous and someone like Luke Ladenbach isn't. Or Scooter. Or Marc.

Sixth, Don Cheadle. Luis Guzman. Topher Grace. The girl who played Caroline. Are they this good in real life?

We laugh indoors.

The next five people to fall off the face of the earth in a perfect world would be: Todd Hundley; Salma Hayek; Anyone who doesn't like George Constanza, or at least think he's a funny s.o.b***4***; whoever called and left the nasal message declaring me, Zach Ka-hu-en the winner of a large piece of land in Northern Arizona; and whoever you, gentle reader, feel deserves it.

The Cubs just won their 10th in a row. I'm still sleeping, aren't I. Ryan, wake me up, I've gotta go to Math Class.

In the stereo: Tom Gordon: "he got 'em!"

***1***I just watched it. DVD, the only way to play.
***2***Yes, I did see Finding Forrester. I was happily surprised, even though there is some serious melodrama there.
***3***That is reserved for Pearl Harbor (see yesterday) and Bring it On, which I think Marcie may have rented tonight. All I have to say is "Dude, it's Darcy". I dare you to get the opening cheer out of yer head once you hear it.
***4***Yes, I realize he's not Real. But he should be. He should be.


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