Sunday, June 03, 2001


It's really a nice, delicate song. Oh yeah, what's it called? It's called "Lick My Love Stick".

Is it wrong that I saw This is Spinal Tap for the 1st time last night? I rented it on DVD, and would rather watch the extras than the movie. One of the funniest things I've ever had the pleasure of watching has to be where they comment on the blackness of the screen before the menu comes up. The commentary is funnier than the actual movie, which I've heard so much of in passing that it really didn't do too much for me. I'll give it a 3/5. Bring it On, however....Marcie: I'm not joking when I say I like that movie a lot. It's not a good movie, but a fun movie to just turn yer brain off and watch***1***, plus I want to make myself feel better for humming the opening cheer almost all day at work the other day***2***.

I don't know.

T-minus four days until I get to see my Lady again. I can't stand it. I'm not embarassed to write this here, but two weeks without seeing truly the world's greatest person***3*** and hearing her half whine/half laugh and hearing her talk about Passions as if it were the greatest show ever and having her just around has taken a toll on me, and I'm not talking 'bout the freeway.

Time to watch the Cubs win 13 straight and then watch the Third Man and then eat some Chop Suey***4*** and then go to bed early to the Rufus Wainwright and/or Steely Dan and then back to work and WXRT and maybe Portillo's or Sir Nick's pizza or a Slurpee.

Or whatev.***5***

***1***Googily Eyed.
***2***Imagine, if you will, saying (out loud) "Dude it's Darcy" at least twice in the presence of two of the manliest men you'll ever meet and them going "what?" and you going, embarassedly, "nothing."
***3***Tie, more than likely you know one too, but that shouldn't take away from it.
***4***I know, I know. Chop Suey should cramp my picky ass styling, but it's so damn good. And it smells good, which is a prerequisite to me eating anything.
***5***The next five songs on yer radio in a perfect world would be: "April Fools" by Rufus Wainwright; "Dirty work" by steely dan; "closet" by pete yorn; "i never trusted the russians" by the promise ring; and "as bad as they seem" by hayden.

IN the stereo: Cubs 0 brewlosers 3. We'll get 'em back.


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