Sunday, June 03, 2001


29. Bring It On - Whatever you do, no matter how bored you are, or how small your agenda is, don't bother to watch this movie. Very rarely do I scream out "why am I here?" whilst taking in a film. I did that during this one, on more than one occassion. I think Scooter and Kuhner were fucking with me when they told me that I had to see this film. But then again, they both knew some of the cheers.

30. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* but were afraid to ask - I switched back to VHS for this bad boy. Very funny, very short and sketchy. One of my favorite Woody Allen films, topped by Annie Hall and Crimers and Misdemeanors. "What happens during ejaculation?" has to be the top skit on this one, by far. I watched it twice.

31. Almost Famous - I've seen this one three times now, and it just keeps getting better. "Go ahead, Mom, tell him how old he is. .." This is one of those movies that makes you want to run out and become whatever it is that the movie about. For me, it was Jason Lee. I'd love to be his character, where I'm anal, and starved for celebrity, and gorgeous. Oh wait. .. I'm already there. It's too bad we started this one at 2am, thanks to Grant. Now it's 4am and I'm just about as tired as they come.

I've got a busy day planned out in my head for tomorrow (read- today). Had I gone to bed earlier, I would've set my alarm for about 9, gotten up to go to the hardware store, picked up some drywall screws and wall mounts for shelves. I'm anxious as all get out to put my stereo up on the wall, above my desk. My room is so horribly cramped. There's no room for my keyboard and guitars, and my soon-to-be-forthcoming 8track recorder. Did I tell you that Scooter and I have a new band, called Taking the Moon By Storm? Basically, it's me, in my room, writing the music, playing whatever instruments I can get my hands on, and then mailing a tape to Scoots, who will write lyrics and record them when he comes back down to Bloom-town. Eventually (read- sometime within the next ten years) we'll have songs written, and Scooter will learn how to play guitar, and we'll play shows. Until then, it's all for us. How grand!