Sunday, June 03, 2001


Summer Project #1, Done: I've desperately been wanting to put my stereo up on my wall, since the day I moved in here. PS, mission accomplished. Not sure how sturdy the drywall anchors are, but they should hold for a little while, at the very least. It only took about fourty-five minutes, which is surprising, considering the fact that I'm just about as slow as they come when I work with my hands. I bought the damn thing from Zach about three years ago. The CD player, for as long as I've had it, hasn't worked. It'll play a little bit of a song here and there, but it skips, and bounces all over the place. I'm not too into abstract album listening, so I figured out a dandy little way of hooking up my walkman to the video output. After I finally get the stereo up on the wall, I realize that the cables to connect the walkman are too short to reach down to the desk. What do I do? I run next door, where I know they've got two small little shelves that no one's put up yet, and I steal them. I put that up right underneath the stereo within sitting/reaching distance of my laptop. Finito!

Speaking of my laptop: last night, just after I posted and logged off, the computer just start's making eerie noises, almost like a copier that's got a paper jam, combined with metallic screaching. I thought it was going to explode, so I stood up, pushed the power button, and then ran into the kitchen to sooth my soul within a tall glass of Coca-cola, my second favorite pop. #1 being RC Cola, the choice of the geriatric generation.