Saturday, April 14, 2001


I'm BLARGing in Zach's room, seeing as how my laptops in the car. I'm leaving for home in two and a half . .. strike that.. . twenty minutes. Although my family's never gone to church as a group, we're celebrating Easter. "Poop on that" I say. I'm a baptised Catholic, not a christened one ... (I'm soooo not a christened one I had to ask Zach what that was even called) . .. Dad's a Methodist, I think. I've never seen him go to church. My little brother's going to hell. He was never baptized by anyone. I'll probably see him there .. . down the road, of course.

I just condemned my little brother. And he's only fourteen. Such a sorry state-of-affinity.

I got to rate SOMEONE this weekend. She rated me, too. But she hasn't called yet, and I'm off for the week. Boo, boo, boo. I didn't write down her scores, and I'll have to admit I don't remember half the questions. Oh well. She got something like + 1,000,002. Fair enough, I think.

I wish I was in a recording studio that happened to have a mansion. I wish I was in a mansion. .. strike that ... . I wish I had a clean bathroom. Gots to be realistic.

I played frisbee yesterday. Bowled, too. Went to a birthday party. Came home and then went to sleep. I love weekends.
