Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Zach "Something About Airplanes" Kuhn

I think I'm drunk enough to drive, you, home, now.

Man I slept most of the day away, and I still have 3 hours til I have to go to work. Just read
Quinn's highly entertaining "creigning" story, and must say that I don't really think Cross Country runners should have any type of inside jokes, as they themselves are pretty much a joke. I mean, running 3 miles for exercise or because you have to is one thing, but doing it every day to show how big yer cock is...Apologies to those of you who are cross country runners, but not because I just made fun of you.

I watched American Movie today, twice. Once with commentary, once sans. Mike asking for a cigarette break and then telling us that he rates movies based on the number of cigarette breaks he has to take busted my gut. First of all, this dude is so permanently tripped out from the Four-Dollar-Hit-Of-Acid-Incident that I can't believe he can even sit through five minutes of anything besides Scratch Off's (dude, you go to therapy for scratch-offs!?!?) and Surge commercials, let alone a black and white feature film dealing with C*oh*vens. Ah well, at least he tells a good story.

I just can't believe that Rick kicked a hole in his wall. Funny story, but a bit sensitive so it'll wait.

The next five records I would fling out the window in a perfect world would be: Destiny's Child; Saliva; Kid Rock; Limp Bizkit; and Weezer's new record. That's right, I said it. I'm so fucking tired of hearing Weezer this and weezer that and then seeing their dickfer singer bitch and bitch and complain and bitch about being "unappreciated" and/or being a dick to the hands that feed him. Fuck those guys, except the one who took the polaroid, and the poor bastard with the NAStay mustache, who may well be the same human man, but I'd never tell.

in the stereo: Death cab for cutie "something about airplanes"


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