Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Zach “R.L.” Kuhn

The night Laura’s daddy died, brother what a night it really was, angina’s tough.

Got “Jesus’ Son” the book from the Library. Ask Ryan if she knew you could check books out from there, and you’ll get a resounding NO. Went to Barnes and Noble to get the new CMJ which wasn’t there, and ended up with a Seinfeld book for 3 bucks. It has all the episodes with a short synopsis which is fantastic. BUT. But, the fucking guy who wrote it (hmm, he also works for shithead Rolling Stone) calls the car episode “something of a hard sell”. This is the finest episode of Seinfeld ever where Puddy and Elaine go to Arby’s; Jerry gets “ripped off” while trying to buy a car; Kramer takes a ten hour test drive with no gas; and most importantly, George displays the infamous “candy lineup” and ends the episode yelling “TWWWWWIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXX”. And this dumb ass muthafucka seems to think it’s not sponge-worthy.

Why I oughta.

Brother Matt, are you still coming on Friday? Memento will not sell out, and State and Main is playing at the Normal Theatre. Plus, we can drinksomebeers.

I’m going to hit the hey, but drop a line if ya get lonely. Unless yer a dude, in which case drop Marcie a line, she digs Asian Pawn.

Scooter McBoober, handsome devil that he is, is top five all time funniest people to ever touch the track and my beloved alma mater. The other four are, in order, Matthew Kuhn, John Weston (although he didn’t do much touching, if you know what I mean); Rich “Bangster” Digiralamo (who had shaved head bangs for six years and all through high school. The day he finally cut them we had a ceremony and his two best friends divided them equally and now keep them in plastic bags prolly labeled “the bangs of bangster”) and O.G. Ryan Gault.

The next five Seinfeld episodes in a perfect world would be: “The Reverse Peephole”; “The Dealership (aka the car episode)”; “The Strike (aka Festivus for the rest of us)”; “the Merv Griffin Show”; and “the voice (aka the “HEEELLLLLOOOOOO episode”).

In the stereo: MTV2 doing crappy MTV stuff when they could be playing “wrecking ball”, officially out next Tuesday.