Wednesday, April 11, 2001


Soooo. .. I was on the Oregon Trail today. It was pretty cool. Unfortunately, the rest of my party (my wife Cindy, my son Ned, his friend Ted, and my daughter Lacy) didn't make it. Cindy died right out of Independence, MO because of Typhoid Fever. Ted and Ned both bit the dust while trying to FORD a river. Should've let the Indian help us. Hindsight's always 20/20. Lacy almost made it, but right before we got to the Dalles (the spot where you have to go rafting) she came down with Syphillis and died during the night. But I'm here. So that's good, right?

I'm sitting in a hotel near the Portland Airport, waiting for my flight, which leaves @ 11:45 am tomorrow. So, I don't have shit to do tonight. Just went to McDonald's and got some grub, unbuttoned the ol' jeans, and am relaxing. I'm sick of hearing this shit about those crew members in China. Who cares if we apologized to China? I find it funny when all these news programs go searching for family members to find out how they feel. Are we supposed to give a fuck? As a country, we need to stop hitting Asian people and their transportation vehicles. Whether it be boats, planes, or cars, we need to teach the military personnel that it's not OKAY to hit things that are in motion.

Also, if the world got rid of countries that bore solid RED backgrounds, and YELLOW symbols on their flags, the US of A would get into a lot less squabbles like this. I'm Marc, and I like cheese. Goo' bye'.