Thursday, February 22, 2001

Zach "too late to stop now" Kuhn

Big props to Jarod of Deadpan, who has hooked the Superhero up with the new Frodus record, which is awesome. Period. I'd never really gotten into their other stuff, but this is really good. Plus the title "and we washed our weapons in the sea" fits. Reminds me of hearing the Refused record for the first time.

Worked all night unloading a 53 foot trailer of televisions and random other accessories. I think I counted 17 dropped DVD players. Folks, if you buy an expensive item from a large retail store PLEASE check the box to make sure it hasn't been dropped. In my life, I've probably accidentaly dropped about 100,000 dollars worth of shit. Once I had a 36 inch t.v. fall two inches from my head when the dipshit taking it down thought he could get it himself. Bad Idea Jeans. You could hear the air coming out of the tube, but we put it out anyway, I guess its company policy. So for your own sake and my guilty conscience, CHECK THE BOX.

While I was at work I realized the sad truth: I know all the words to that "I'm about to break" song. I don't like it, but it's on so fucking much that I know all the words. Same with Creed. My brother likes creed, bust his balls about it the next time you see him. He swears he doesn't, but check his Napster profile next time he's on and you will see Creed. And Neil Diamond. And live Texas is the Reason.
Anyway, I know the words to these songs mostly because American radio is dead. We own the airwaves, yet people are getting filthy rich programming stations to sound the same: shitty.
Sure there are the infrequent bright spots, your At the drive in's, Coldplay's, and Wilco's. But does that justify it? I think not.

In a perfect world, the next five songs on your radio would be: "The Way Young Lovers Do" by Van Morrison; "Utilitarian" by Spoon; "Peg" by Steely Dan; "Grace" by Jeff Buckley, and "Avenues" by Whiskeytown.

And everyone get yer tickets for Hey Mercedes, April 7 at the Metro. Saturday, noon. Playing with who? I don't know. Maybe Camden? or the Mt. St's? or Steely Dan? or Gene? or

In the Stereo: Frodus "and we washed our weapons in the sea"


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