Tuesday, February 20, 2001


Ouch, my frigging ear.

Happily, the DL has concluded for the week. I've succesfully DL'ed some 200 new songs to peruse and ponder before deciding on whether or not to buy the album. So far, most signs point to "go". But cash flow points to "no". We'll see how the struggle plays itself out. Either way, the Boss gets a huge nod, and an invitation to my dusty rack of CD's.

As for me, I'm getting ready to go to sleep, and then I'll probably begin to get ready to wake up. Who knows though, it's technically a new day, so anything's possible, right? I've been told I use a lot of catch phrases, and that I even have a slight (so slight) southern accent. So, I'd like to close tonight's post with this:

G'night, y'all. You come back now, y'hear? Yee-haw!