Tuesday, February 20, 2001


Notting Hill, the movie, is on the TV right now. I've heard it was good, but it's almost over, so I won't dare watch. Zach, didn't you like it? Hmm. I'm a sucker for cheesy, romantic comedies. Although this flick's on mute, it looks as though it could fall into that category. I worked at a video store for three years. Shouldn't I know what movie is what by now? Probably, but sadly, I don't. I've been passed up by non-video rental employees. I know less about movies than people who work at places like Best Buy, JCPenney's, and Avogadro's (the best drinking/eating/coffee-ing/fusballing/pizza-making/candy-stealing place in the world). The only movies that I ever see are the ones on airplanes. Has you ever seen Duets? This is, by far, Gwyneth Paltrow's finest performance. And I saw it, for free, if you don't count the airfare. Or is that included in the ticket?

I can't wait to get home, because I have a new guitar, and Rick has a new drumset. And we're going on tour, too. Jeez, it's getting hot and heavy in here.

Boy, I don't have as much to say tonight as some people do.