Tuesday, February 27, 2001


Random thoughts and thinks from today:

1) Is there anyone out there interested in joining forces with me to halt that horrible, gaseous disturbance known as "Cheerio Breath"? You all know what I'm talking about. You sit down, eat a bowl of those delicious, round, toasted oats. You feel great. It might even be helping your cholesterol. Fourty-five minutes later, though, it's a different story. You're in an attic, trying to string cable from one office to another, and you start the silent-burping that accompanies the nasty puffs of processed Cheerio bits floating up from your digestive system. Anyone interested in fighting the man?

On the MP3 Player: "Blue Vegas" by City on Film. I took someone's advice and DL'ed four very good, very acoustic songs. I've got an acoustic. It annoys my roommates, but it loves me. Can we talk later?

2) Are there any scientists or doctors still fighting the Common Cold? I never hear about this anymore (not like it was all over the news in the first place, but hey, I'm curious). All I ever see on the news are reports about the Middle East, Bill Clinton, and how technological technology is becoming (I meant to write it like that). I would assume that there's no money to be made fighting a simple virus that never kills anybody. Did they all give up?

3) I'd personally like to give props to my Peeps tonight. We've been getting a lot of attention lately, and we can't help but feel very grateful. So, to Bob at "Are You Wearing A Wire?", Nanette at "Amplified to Rock", and Jenn at "My Friend Goes Left", we thank you. Just for the fact that you read. So you know, we're reading right back at you.

4) Thank God Scooter McBoober has arrived on the Superhero scene. Thank God almighty. He's here at last.

5) Finally, our "DAMMIT!" of the day goes to Matt Fast at "The King's Nuts" for actually posting. I could've told him how to do it last week, but then he would've lost his BLARG of the Week status. At least he lost it on his own merits. Piss off, Matt. We were all expecting greatness from you, and now that you've figured it out, we can't help but feel disappointed. DAMMIT!