Monday, February 26, 2001

Zach "Finally listening to the Weakerthans CD Christine burned for me" Kuhn

We mention this now only to show that even college students, free to booze and fornicate, bring about their own ends in large numbers.

Hello Friends. Yes indeed, Christine, I've gotten to your CD. I'm enjoying it quite well, the first song was/is very good.

Have you all read "The Virgin Suicides" and/or seen the movie? Please do, if you answered no. Both are exceptional, the first time I've said that about a book AND its movie....ever. "Prince of Tides", possibly my favorite book when I was in 8th grade, was made into a HORRIBLE date movie starring Barbara Streisand, who should be halfway to Costa Rica by now, being as G.W. is the king. "All the Pretty Horses", a peerless novel was made into an average movie. That says a lot coming from me, probably the world's biggest male non-homosexual fan of Matt Damon. I have a pillow, stashed safely at my friend Annie's house, which I have named Matty D. I wish I was kidding.

I have two papers due this week, one on "The Right to be Lazy" by Paul Lafargue and another on "Desire Under the Elms" by Eugene O'neill. Sound exciting? It actually is. "..Lazy" is a 75 page wonder-child, and O'neill is a fascinating cat.

Oh, and Bob? Remember, when reading "Infinite Jest" to pay careful attention to everything. It may get tedious, but seriously EVERY word of that novel will come back to haunt you if you're not paying careful attention. My brother just finished it, and is giving me insights that I never even thought of that are laid out directly in the book. Just imagine...Wallace cut out almost 150 pages...Did I ever tell you that I met him once? Well sort of. He teaches here at State and the week before Christmas he was at work buying a T.V. I would have carried it out to his car, but I wasn't sure it was him. He was wearing this crazy ARMY fatigues like sweatshirt and a stocking cap that was so askew I'm not sure it was intentional. I only found out it was him from the lady friend who helped him buy a gift card at Barnes and Noble. He told her they made a "great team". We could have made a great team too. Bastard.

Talked to Melissa today, she is who I am staying with while in L.A. It is raining and 50 degrees there now. Damn you, California, I need it to be at least 70 the entire time I'm within your bosom or I will ask the powers that be to make you disappear permanently in your self-made mess. Everyone except Matt Damon, Melissa (sorry gorgeous, but The Man comes first), the entire cast of Boston Public; the entire cast of Friends except for David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, and Courtney Cox--so basically just Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry, one for comedic talent and the other for some devilish procreation (please guess correctly); Penelope Cruz; Jane Fonda; At the Drive In (if they're home, which I doubt); Sean Penn and family; Paul Thomas Anderson and family; Billy Crudup and family; Adam Vasconez and family; and anyone sympathetic to the cause.

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "Good Advice for Dogs" by Joel R.L. Phelps and the Downer Trio; "Hey Hey My My" by Neil Young; "Jesus' Son" by Joe Henry; "Into the Mystic (Live)" by Van Morrison; and "A Bigger City" by the Mendoza Line.

In the Stereo: The Weakerthans (getting better)


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