Monday, February 26, 2001

Marc "Jeez, I'm so happy to be posting on ZacharyBlarg, my life couldn't be any better"

BLARG of the Week: The Kings Nuts

BLARG of the Day (for inadvertently keeping up the drunkenBLARG): Friend Goes Left

Has anyone reading this ever been to Ronald Reagan National Airport in DC? If the answer is "yes", have you also been to George Bush International Airport in Houston? They seem eerily the same to me. Did someone do that on purpose. Probably a Republican having his/her way with the ports that fly us?

On the MP3 Player: "The Reagan Presidency" by CNN.

Zach, you slut, do you really NEED to post something at 12:01am just so it will show up first on the next days BLARG. I'm noticing a small pattern developing, and I'm not so sure if I like it. BLARGhog.

The Scowl of the Night goes to the slightly plump, blonde, assholish man in seat 5A on Continental Airlines Flight 1107 to Houston, Texas. Is it really necessary to recline one's seat all the way back? We're all already cramped as it is in airplanes. Is it necessary to make that lack of space any more severe? Boo to you, good sir. Boo to you and yours.

Now, if it's all the same to everyone, I've got to take a picture of my signature to email to my Mom so she can forge some things for me. Good night, and have a dandy day.