Sunday, February 18, 2001


Note to self: buy a gross of choco-tacos. call lara flynn boyle. IMMEDIATELY!

One of the things I miss about home is having E! Mostly because of Howard Stern's nightly show, but also because of Talk Soup. Though it has gone steadily down hill, from the David Lettermen-if-he-had-been-born-in-L.A perfection of Greg Kinnear, to the on-target but too Jim Carrey like John Henson, to the way too hyper for his own good Hal Sparks, to....well I don't know who hosts it now, because I don't get the fucking channel. If you know, and you are not Marc or Jesse, email me at (( I would highlight it and make it look nice, but there is no world button on my screen (I'm beginning to think that Marc is making said button up, just to piss me off. Don't forget that I own the rights to you)). The show is good, anyway.

I also miss Coming Attractions, since every movie I go to has a trailer for the Mummy Returns which chaps me to no end. How does Brendan Fraser still have a career?!? Please, if you think this movie or the one where he gets thrown into the cartoon world look cool, call for help.
Speaking of help, call (414) 466-MIKE to talk to Mike from American Movie. Ask him to say acid and soda repeatedly.

In the stereo: Let it Bleed by the rolling stones