Sunday, February 18, 2001


Back from my touristy-tourist-type activities. First, I wound my way up to Puget Sound. Luckily the sun was out this afternoon. Even took a picture of Kingston Island (mountains in the background and everything), but I'm not sure if it'll turn out all that great. Then, I decided to get frisky and hit the Seattle Art Museum. So, I plugged the address into my GPS and took off. Little did I know that some kind of Shaker Furniture exhibit was going on. There was a line out the door that went down two blocks. "For furniture?" you ask. "Surely, you jest." No jesting, or joking, or shitkicking, or jollying around. Down the block. I walked by to see if there was some way to circumvent the huge line, but was forbidden. Eight dollars would have to be shelled out, and lines would have to be mentally handled, so I said "screw it" and took a walk. Seattle's an interesting place. I walked down to the fish-pier thingy and watched the guys throw the fish. I even looked around to see if I could find the pier where the Real World set up shop. No luck. Oh well.

So, now I'm back at the hotel, getting ready to download (which will from hereon be referred to as DL) some more music. I was thinking of maybe some Who. I've always wondered what they sounded like, at least when they first came around on the scene. In the immortal words of my good friend Luke- "I liked their earlier stuff better". Word.