Monday, June 18, 2001


It seems as though the Hero (specifically Mr. Scooter Toodnem) has stepped across the boundary between regular life & softcore. Get ready for the backlash - whatev!

This Poetry class I'm taking is killing me. I sit in this seat, and it feels like an electric chair to me. I can't sit still. All I can think about is getting out of the class, and what I'm going to do for the rest of the day, and getting something to eat, and going to the bathroom, etc., etc. .. If I have to hear about Jesus one more time, I feel like I'm going to snap. I wasn't raised as a religious person. As I might have said before, Sesame Street books under the pew at age 3 are about as far as God and I got before we broke up. Neither of my parents went to church, nor forced me to go. Hate me for saying this, but I think the whole concept of religion is a bit silly. There's a big, invisible dude somewhere who created us, and supposedly loves us, but is completely hands off, letting all kinds of good people die. If I were God - and by saying this, I mean that I should be God - I'd be totally hands on. When some kid gets his first "A" on his spelling test (let's say first grade), I'd come down out of the sky and put my hand on his shoulder and say "Hey, Billy! Great job! I knew you could do it, kiddo! Keep it up!" And I'd be the kind of God that'd use exclamation points because I'd be so happy and so excited, I couldn't control the volume of my voice (kind of like Will Farrel as the US Ambassador to China on SNL). And there'd be a Rapture every two-hundred years, perfectly on Schedule. None of this "The End Is Near" crap. With me as God, you'd know when you're time was just about up. There would even be a cutoff age to participate in the Rapture. No one before the age of eighteen has to worry about it, because you're too young at that age to have totally condemned yourself one way or another, right?

Okay, maybe that was a little over the top. I promise it'll never happen again. A'ight?