Monday, June 04, 2001


Becky, where the hell do you come up with this stuff? If this isn't the true-bodied George Costanza, I don't know what/or who is. My god, I'm still reeling from looking at it.

Dick! struck again! "I don't see how we're supposed to make kids want to read, none of them want to be there anyways ..." Please note that this was said in a future-teacher's class, by a future-teacher, to a roomful of future-teachers. Other than that, I believe extraneous commentary is unnecessary.

I bought candles for the apartment, to help combat our weekend routine of drinking and drinking (not driving). It smells damn good out there, near the Nintendo, where a Plumeria candle graces the coffee table. It even has three seperate wicks on it. Three times the Plumeria smell. In my room I went with the more subtle, more refine Ocean Breeze scent. Heaven on the nose.

Check the links on the side. There's some new ones up from our friends both stateside and abroad. Word.