Saturday, May 19, 2001


Things everybody would say, believing is hard, believing is art.

Scoot's party: wicked hardcore. Is there anything scarier than deli meats and middle school teachers? I think not. Know this: Scooter McBoober will one day teach yer children about sex. Ask him about the time his health teacher tricked the class into yelling "vagina!" and "Penis!" by making them read words off an overhead aloud. Quite a story.

8:47 p.m. Saturday night, and I'm home alone, pants off typing on the computer. Sad? yes. Have it any other way?.....Yes.

I have nothing to write about. Oh yeah, its funny how this BLARG is developing cliques. Like, certain people only email me and others will only email Marc. Marcie: add four to the count. Michelle from Australia, my brother, and two dudes I met in line at the DMV today.

The next five songs on yer radio in a perfect world would be: "Monday Night" by Ryan Adams; "Crime Scene Part One" by the afghan whigs; "fin" by christie front drive; "robbing peter, paying paul" by giants chair; and "scar" by joe henry.

In the stereo: MTV playing the BLoodhound Gang.
Reading: The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon (author of Wonder Boys)
Writing: postcards to Elise(aka Ryan)