Tuesday, May 15, 2001


She was faraway you.

A great weekend endth. Sunday to Brimfield ILL, population 900 amazing people. Don't tell
Ryan, but I'm beginning to think that the small town life might be superior. Where else can you drive a four-wheeler on the side of the road, know all the people who drive by on the road, AND be 20 minutes outside a major city? Somewhere in Oregon and here. Had a big meal along with some healthy doses of MTV2 on Sunday, hung out all day on Monday, and purchased the new Joe Henry record this morning. Plus ate the best meal ever at my formerly least favorite restaurant: Cracker Barrell. Pork chop, french fries, corn. Fantastico.

Things to do this summer, which officially starts tomorrow: Camping (twice, as long as a racoon doesn't kill me the first time); Many many many chicago shows; cubs game; write the end of my book; finish the screenplay to my book; read at least ten books (first comes first: I may not get there with you by Michael Eric Dyson, In the name of the world by denis johnson; Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury; and A prayer for owen Meany for Matty and Ryan); see Hey Mercedes at the House of Blues, see Mt.st.helens, juno, burning airlines at Fireside. Buy a house.

So Scott and Ryan and Jason and Quinn are all gradg-ate-in and heading for the real world. I'd like to take this opprotunity to encourage all of you to do something you love, and fuck money. As Ry and I figured out yesterday in Bloomington, being happy doesn't mean having shitloads of money. It means loving what you do.

June 1st: Bluetip, Mt.st.helens at the Fireside bowl, chicago. be there.

The next five songs on yer radio in a perfect world would be: "Faraway You" by Marah; "Stop" by Joe Henry; "Ellen and Ben" by the dismemberment plan; "sharp shooters" by dead prez with Talib Kweli; and "Tyrone" by erika badu.

In the stereo: Ghost Dog: the way of the samurai, now available at best buy for $12.99 (!!!) on DVD.


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