Sunday, May 13, 2001


There are two dudes sitting in my living room, neither of whom I know very well, one of whom I can't stand all that much, and I'm powerless against telling them to leave. Ahh, the discomforts associated with new sets of roommates. Last night, our new apartment was christened. Between the ten to fifteen of us, we successfully downed about 60 12 oz. bottles of Bud Light, and 12 12 oz. bottles of Rolling Rock. Moms and Pops drove by for a visit on their way back from Springfield this afternoon. Pops accompanied me to Best Buy, where I had a home theatre system all picked out, and on a rack, ready to head up to the check-out line. "Are you really going to need this much for your apartment? Can you trust your roommates around it? Will you be there at all times, keeping an eye on it?" and so on, and so forth ... I didn't end up buying it.

Seeing as how this phone line that's currently hooked up in our apartment isn't in our name, and we don't know the phone number (therefor we aren't expecting any calls), I decided that today was the day to download AOL 6.0. And I did, in style. It only took about three hours, of which I was in the house all of about 15 minutes. They say its supposed to be tons better, but I've failed to see any improvement. Whatev!

Zero Zero, the new ex-Lifetime band, isn't as great as it was hyped up to be. Thanks go out to Rick on that one. I immensely enjoy the Ari Katz songs, but fail to see any of the emo-genius behind the girl's songs. Once again, I tip my head back and unleash a WHATEV!