Friday, May 11, 2001


Happy Birthday KuhnDawg: For those non-regular readers, let it be known that we went to see the D-Plan last night, and it friggin' rocked my balls off (and mine weren't the only ones, I guarantee). It's weird to see that I'm the first one to write about it, though, considering it's 1 in the afternoon. Moving is going slowly, but I'm fitting way more into my car than I thought possible. My beloved keyboard is bringing up the rear (in the trunk). I'm taking a break right now, gearing up to get some McDonald's.

Portillo's: It's as good as it was hyped to be, though I took a chunk out of the inside of my cheek as I dove into my french fries.

The Drive Home: I almost fell asleep, luckily the semi's terrified me into alertness everytime I tried passing one. You know how bad it sucks driving in a downpour during the daylight? Imagine doing it at night, vaguely between 1am and 3am, and trying to see around all these huge ass trucks and their friggin' spray. Boo, boo, boo. Every once in a while I'd hallucinate, thinking that a cop was sitting on the side the road, waiting to pull me over, and that'd also shake me awake for a while. I seriously considered pulling off in Pontiac, and getting a hotel room. But I didn't. I made it all the way back to my bedroom in sweet, sweet Normal, IL. My room was trashed, too. Apparently a roommate decided to have a few people over and use my stereo for the festivities. Dick.