Sunday, May 13, 2001

pharty b. broke

we here at the hero are they only one's i know who html our name and email before every post we make. i think it started with mjarc, although it very well coulda been zook, and now i have followed suit. only i think i'm the only one that never puts his/her real name and address in. it's a catch-all.

m&m's have a thin candy shell. hmm, surprised you didn't know that.

so i'm sitting here enjoying a.) some nba playoff action, b.) a package of ritz crackers (duh), and c.) the nice cool breeze of anytown, usa. i went through commencement yesterday, which really means "beginning" as i was told TWICE by two different speakers at graduation festivities. i.e. "as one chapter of your life ends, yet another begins. so instead of saying 'goodbye' to you, distinguished graduates of Illinois State University, i say 'hello' and welcome to the real world, for this is the beginning of the rest of your life." like i didn't know that putz dorks.

anyways, here i am sitting on my duff, picking my nose, waiting for my sister to go turn on the sink because i've secretly tied a rubber band around that hose-type-thing that you can pull out and wash dishes with (or something). i've pointed it straight out so that when the regular faucet gets turned on, the hose-thingy will spray cold water all over her.

and i can't help but think about how much i've matured over my 5 years of college.


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