Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Zach "Missed You More Than You Know" Kuhn

He got 'em!

Life feels better when Scooter is BLARGing. My favorite quote of his: "You guys can't kick for beans!". So on the mixtape tip, here is a list of people who are in. If yer not on this, let me know in the next coupla days.
Jason St.Helens
Greg, Jen, Becky from OK Plus Three
Michelle from Australia
Bald Steve

I figured that each person would make Two tapes (different or the same, it matters not) and then would ship them to the person they received one from (as I will start it by sending one to Michelle and one to Jen) and then another person. It's complicated, but fun complicated. So I'll wait til monday to let you all know fer sure, but know that at worst yer getting two tapes from people you sorta know. Can you beat it with a stick?

On another tip, I can't get the wire to come up on my browser today. Mebbe its just me. Mebbe its just Microsoft. I did however see that Shirley Manson of Garbage is victim number 100-something in a project that can only be called pola-rific. I can't wait to see what a fellow compulsive person comes up with.

My boss just called me and told me that I should come to work next Friday and Saturday (my birthday) because "you didn't tell John (who's quitting) or Eric (my bigger boss) when yer last day was." Actually, I told them ten times, they just chose not to listen until they were stuck and now they want me to drive back from the Thrill, work on MY BIRTHDAY just so they don't have to do any extra work. F-u-c-k-e-m, Fuck'em.

The next five songs in a perfect world would come from your mixtape. Join us

In the stereo: the creepy early 80's sounds of Wire.


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