Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Zach "1 Down" Kuhn

It's not so much as it is Roenick, he's good.

A disaster narrowly averted. And you'll all be glad to know that BLARGtape numero uno is complete. The first victim: Jen of
OK Plus Three I save the slow jams for my lady, so expect some Mt. St. Helens and some Rolling Stones and some Clash and some Death Cab For cutie. I'm thinking we'll just do the handoff at the D-Plan show, eh? By then I should have two or three more done, as I'm buying some tapes tomorrow night.

The pink eye is slowly but surely making its way south, and I should be able to eat solid foods again by Friday. Coincidentally, You Can Count on Me is playing here in town on Friday. Three times is a charm. Speaking of charm, June 27th I will be in attendance at the Fireside Bowl--Chicago when the fucking incredible sounds of Juno hit the stage. Expect nothing less than DFwallace like perfection.

I said Wooo-Hooo.

No class plus no work til 7 means a happy Zach. And anyone else who wants in on the tape trading hit me a line at the email listed above. It's too late for that html shite.

The next five channels I would hit on my TV in a perfect world would be: E!; MTV2; HBO; Skin-a-max; and, oddly, CLTV, which I never thought I would miss but now I kinda do.

In the stereo: Doves (who I can't wait to see live when they come back around, they were fantastic on Conan last night)


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