Thursday, May 17, 2001


The Head Count Continues: So far, I've got three readers counted. One in New York, one in Hawaii, and one in Wisconsin. Please, feel free to let us know if you're out there. For some strange reason, I'm compelled to find out how many people are looking into our lives. Refer my post from May 14 if you want to know the whole story. And Scott, you don't count, no matter how much you'd like to.

I hereby dub this summer as the Movie Summer: Wherein I will watch as many movies as I possibly can. I'm not going to set a particular number on the fiasco, but I will be trying to score at least one a day. So far, since last Sunday, I'm up to five. The World According to Garp (not only a decent movie, but also a simply heartbreaking book), The Cell (which was better than I expected), High Fidelity (which I have hereby watched for the third time, which means I will be buying it as soon as I own a DVD player), Billy Elliot (a somewhat overrated romp, but a good story nonetheless), and Coming Soon (which features my favorite new actress- Bonnie Root). Today, I headed back to Blockbuster, formerly my archnemesis, and picked up Dancer in the Dark, The Tao of Steve, and Best In Show. I may be making a mistake by starting out with the good ones, but who cares, eh?

On the new Weezer album: Grant said it best, "it's good, but it's not four years good". Enough said.

Congrats, Jen.

Today was my day: Woke up, got up, got dressed, tried to get on AOL about six times, said "fuck it", left, got my oil changed, got my glasses fixed (finally), got my bass amp sent away for repairs, did my travel vouchers for my job from last April, went to the Post Office, hit the record store (left with Ted Leo & the Pharmacists, Cave In's "Jupiter", and Josh Rouse's "Dressed Up Like Nebraska" firmly in tow), then hit the video store. When I sat down to take a breath, I flipped on the Cubs game, noticed they were getting their asses kicked, so I decided to change my strings on my SG. Nice.