Wednesday, May 16, 2001

finally saw memento. i THINK i get it (?). i believe the kuhnster would put the movie link in like this. so there.

spare a nickel gov'ner?

so i really have nothing to say. how bout this: i offered to work a little for the local pool here before my official job (summer camp) starts, just organizing and cleaning shite and what have you and then some so to speak in other words. you know, the usual... putting all the guard chairs up, filling the machines in the concession area with the correct slush puppy syrup, etcetera. today i got to re-paint the curbs in the parking lot a bright shade of yeller, marking off the "no parking" areas. took over 3 hours to do one strip of curbage, which means nothing to you lot i know, but just understand that it takes a long, long time to paint a small, small stretch. anyways, i made it my purpose for the day, my mission even, to paint over as many rollie pollies as possible. it's so fun! they curl up in that little ball, and if you get one properly, it looks like a small, yellow sixlet (reference to a blog topic of months ago), then you can flick 'em for distance.

the point of me telling you all this?

once again, there is no method to my madness.


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