Thursday, April 19, 2001

Zach "Frenchy" Kuhn

She's unresponsive cuz yer irresponsible.

So I did no ass kissing. In fact, he was a tad sour with me because I was apparently interupting an important conversation. Me: "This is Ryan's paper." Him: (quizzed look) Me: "Did ye get her email?" Him: "Probably." Me: "well she's sick so..." Him: sour. This is the part where I look sad and say d'oh.


So yeah I called the bro' and he'll be here at 8. We're hitting Wendy's then Ryan's then the Palace for the 9:15 show of Memento. Ought to be a pushover. Join us, we'll set ye free.

And I feel dirty for wanting to see Tom Green's new movie, but that scene where he's attatched to a series of strings and singing a song about sausage...It's like someone said, the guy's inventing a new kind of comedy that only exists from the left side of his brain to the right. And somehow some of us understand it...

The next five denominations of American Green that would fall from the sky into my hand would be: $1000, $100, $50, $20, $1000. I keep the big bills on the outside. But that's a five! Yeah that's right.

In the stereo: Death Cab for Cutie: "Fake Frowns"


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