Thursday, April 19, 2001

scoot 'n pepa

got my kids to say "that was wicked awwweeeesommmme!" after going through the heart obstacle course we set up today. "activity and learning at the same time?" you ask. indubidably.

tid bit tyme:

the cold headache, or the "brain freeze" that you get after eating/drinking something really cold is somewhat of an untouched topic. for those who have never experienced this headache, it can be easily compared to a kick right to the groin. no it can't, i'm joking. it's just an annoying "hurt," so to speak, in the head slash brain area (one in the same). people undergoing a brain freeze often blurt out "ahhh! brain freeze!" and hold their temples for a few seconds. some just squint their eyes and ignore it, shoveling in scoop after scoop of ice cream in attempts of "playing through the pain." what most don't know, is that it's the blood vessels in the roof of the mouth that get cold and cause this headache sensation, so the best thing to do once you have a brain freeze is 1.) scream "ahhh! brain freeze!" like usual, and 2.) place your tongue up against the roof of your mouth. the tongue is fulla blood; the warmth of this m.m. (mouth muscle) lessens the shock on the vessels, and thus your pain turns to comfort with a mere flick of the tongue.

that phrase comes up ALL TOO OFTEN in every day conversation. i can't tell you how many times i've said, "you know, i can turn that pain into comfort with a mere flick of the tongue."



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