Friday, April 27, 2001


Okay, so I'm here, what do I do?: It's now 3:32 am EST, and I just checked into a hotel room at the Bradley International Airport, Hartford, Connecticut. I just shot up here w/Chris from Paterson, New Jersey, where we did an install of 10 computer terminals that lasted way too long. Why? I'm still trying to figure out. I'll tell you one thing, it's very odd to be around professional people all the time. I should be over it by now, but I'm not. I'm always around these people that have careers and families, and they're high-powered business people and all that jive. One of the people there tonight was an extremely high-level executive with IBM. I've met her before, and she's possibly one of the funniest lady I've ever met. The last time I saw her was in Chicago, and we talked about Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys alot. Tonight, she was talking to some people about layoffs they might have to make, and sales numbers, and money, and junk, she saw me and instantly just started asking me if I've seen the new Britney Pepsi commercial. How weird is that? I used to work with people who only had one concern for after work, and that was something akin to getting drunk or getting stoned. Now, everyone I see has to "catch a flight", or "get up early for a conference call". I'm way too young for this shit. Good thing too, cause it'll all be over in a week.

That was really long, but I don't care, cause I never get the first post.

It's good to see that Zach likes his girlfriend. I'm proud of the little bugger.

Talking Shit About Kristy Westphal: When I was fifteen, I went swimming at a friend named Megan's house. Jesse was in attendance, and so was this chick Kristy Westphal, whom I might have met once or twice before. We're all swimming, having a good time, laughing, blah, blah, when out of nowhere, Jesse and Westphal gang up on me. If you rub your index and middle fingers against the rubber lining of an above-ground pool, it makes a high pitched, squeaking type noise. They did this. It sounded somewhat like a dolphin does. Westphal and Jesse just started doing it over and over again, laughing histerically, looking at me, and saying, "What's that Dolphin? Helgy needs to put his shirt back on? What's that Dolphin? Helgy's fat and needs some clothes?" At first it was funny, but after a half-hour, it got old.

The only reason I wrote about that is because I promised her I'd talk shit about her, and make her seem really mean on me BLARG. She's not like that anymore, not after her mom sent her to the anger-management retreat last summer. I don't know what they did to her out there, but she stopped bringing her gun out to parties and pulling it on people. Some people have asked me, "Why do you hang out with such an obviously psychotic person?" And my best answer is, "I can't tell you, other than I love her."