Wednesday, April 25, 2001


Only In NYC Would They Run The Nanny 5 Nites A Week: You think I'm bullshitting? Turn on channel 3, or 4. I forget, but I don't care. I'm not watching that horseshit.

I got as close to Boston as I'll probably get today. By close, I mean about thirty miles. That's the one city that I've wanted to go to for most of my short life, and I've still not yet made it. Shucks. Worked in Waterbury, Connecticut, and North Attleboro, Massachusetts today. Two of the dirtiest places on the face of the Earth. And, seeing as how the washers and dryers were dead on contact at the Apartment last weekend, I've only got one pair of jeans this week. So, tomorrow night, when I'm doing my first actual installation of these terminals I've been wiring for for about a year now, I'm going to be one dirty ass mofo. And by mofo, I mean motherfucker. Who's not going to impress all the Post Office HQ Bigwigs? .. I'm not! I'm not!

Zach: How come you haven't figured out that you are the daytime BLARGer, yet? I take nights, before midnight w/Scott, and you get midnight to five pm. Remember? That's why everyone thinks you run the show, cause you're working the day shift. If they only knew . .. if they only knew.

One BLARG is coming dangerously close (once again) to receiving the BLARG of the Week award. I won't say who, yet, but I promise that if nothing's there by the time I get home Friday, honors will be bestowed. . .and bestowed . .. and bestowed. I'm thinking about going home to Kankakee for the weekend. It's the last full week before finals for everyone else, and they've probably all got shit like papers and papers and tests and papers to take care of. Traditionally not a good party weekend. Besides, I've got to get me new rock outfit off the ground, lest I starve to death for lack of attention. That's why we're all in the biz, anyways, isn't it?