Thursday, March 08, 2001


After three four or six years of pointless, mindless rambling throughout the internet, I am proud to announce that I have developed a routine of sites to visit. First, it's the Superhero. Not only am I a writer, but I'm also a fan. Kind of disappointed to see that Mr. Hansford hasn't chimed in lately. Look for the frown, and you'll find me. Next, it's off to Are You Wearing A Wire?, or the One That Everyone and Their Half-Sister Reads. From there it's The Kings Nuts, which was stripped of it's BLARG of the Millenium award after people started posting on it. And last, but most certainly not least, comes My Friend Goes Left, the only single person job on the list. She's so brave. So very, very brave. The best part of the whole routine is the fact that I never have to type in an address. There are convenient little links to each and everyone off all three sites. Can you believe it? It probably helps that we all somehow know each other. Some friends, some friends of friends, some friends of friends of friends, and on. . . Maybe everyone should just start getting down a routine, and emailing all the sites in their routine begging for links to the next site in the routine. That'd be kind of interesting. "Dear, Hello. You don't know me, but after your site on my Internet wandering routine, I usually check out Could you be so kind as to put up a link to their site somewhere on your front page so I don't have to type it in myself? Much obliged, Toto the Incandescent Turtle."

On the MP3 Player: "Say Yes" by Elliot Smith. This is quite possibly the best song that this man has ever written. And that means that it also ranks up there as one of the best songs ever. I'm a huge Elliot Smith fan. I used to make fun of Zach for listening to him when we shared a dorm room together. Truth was I couldn't fall asleep to music that I didn't know. Kind of Like Spitting, Chocolate Genius, Wilco, Elliot Smith... . they all got the same treatment. He swore up and down that I was cracked out of my mind because I only listened to shit like the Suicide Machines and Lifetime. "Stop bitching" are the words that I'd always hear from the top bunk (I claimed to be too fat to sleep up there, too high, couldn't get my ass down, I was lying). I have since stopped my "bitching" and opened up a little bit. Consider this a formal apology, Zach: suck my butt.

And while I'm on the subject, I think now would be a good time to open up old wounds. That same year in the dorms, with the bunk bed and all, I woke up to find Zach urinating off the side onto the carpet. This is not a joke. There are two very different, very discombobulated versions of this story. One belongs to me- the sick, yet completely sober person on the eve in question. The other version belongs to Zach- the drunk as fuck, omigod I can't even get out of bed to go to the can person. I won't go into mine tonight. I think this is a story better left for after spring break AND TOUR so Zach and I can hash it out word to word, and person to person in the apartment. In fact, if he's willing, Sunday Night, March 18 might be a good night to get it all down on paper. You up, pal? I'm ready to go anytime. Besides, everyone loves suspense.