Wednesday, March 07, 2001


On the MP3 Player: "Killin' me softly" by the Fugees. Does that give me any street cred?

In case you didn't see it yesterday, and you're dying to know how the hell we know each other. .. check this out. It doesn't look good. It doesn't smell right, but believe me, it's the truth. The truth, I tell's ya.

I'd like to take this opportunity to throw down some shout-outs to people/objects/or stuff that helped me get through the days. So here I go:
  • the headrest on the passenger seat in our rented 2001 Ford Taurus. I couldn't have slept so soundly without you.
  • my Dad for driving straight through the California desert in the pouring rain.
  • Napster for giving me full access to the entire "Theme Song to Cheers". Expect a StraightLeggedKick cover soon.
  • the sky, for being so pretty and blue.
  • the ocean, for exactly the same reasons.
  • my dark blue, Adidas running shoes (the ones I've been wearing since 1997). you keep my feet comfy.
  • the Academy, for unknown reasons.
  • my Mom, for doing my dirty work for me. She even forges my signature when I ask, but only if I'm polite.
  • VH1 for "Behind the Music". especially the one on Oasis last night.
  • Oasis for writing "Champagne Supernova". Zach's going to tear me a new one for saying that.
  • my friends Angie and Kristy, for not reading this.
  • my car, for being so patient with me. We never spend enough time together, honey. It almost seems like we don't know each other any more.
  • Ryan Gilles, for being tied as the best BLARGist I know. The other is her boyfriend, Zach. they should write a book together about giving percentage ratings to relationships. I'd buy it.
  • CNN Headline News, for just being you.
  • New Kids on the Block, for fucking everything up.
  • my bed at home, for being so small. you keep me humble.

    Thank you.