Wednesday, March 07, 2001

Zach "Home at 440" Kuhn

Have I met you before?

I'm safe at home, typing on me mums computer. I guess it must be crappy ISU server, because there is indeed a world to make links with on her browser. There is also italics and bold. You gotta like that.

My alarm clock failed to wake me up again this morning, and I missed math. Or maybe I woke up and turned it to 9:03. Or maybe someone else walked in and changed it. Christ, all I know is I was refreshed rather than dead tired, and with only two extra hours of sleep. Pity me.

Commerce Bank is again screwing me. Somehow my paycheck, deposited friday at around 6, still hasn't gone through. I realize Monday was a holiday, but tuesday was not. Everybody's ripping me off!

So here I am in sunny Naperthrill. My dog is in good shape today, her paws aren't all bloody from her chewing them and her eyes are not covered in a thick white goop. I went to Borders to get the new Punk Planet and CMJ and they had neither. D'oh. Got my haircut, what little there is to cut, and bought some necessities for the trip.

I got the new Alkaline Trio and Dashboard Confessional CD's in the mail...ALkaline Trio have gone backwards again, Dashboard are going forwards although he covers two of the songs on the last record, only with full band. How does a band go from "goddamnit" to this??!? I think someone may need a kick in the keester. They don't seem to be trying very hard, now that everyone and their mother is throwing fame and not-so-fortune at them.

We get the independent film channel here, and they're showing all these shorts....they all suck. How many people out there want to be god damn movie directors/stars??!?? You have a one in a million shot, and then you glut the airwaves with this more power to you. At least you're not living in mom's basement. oh wait.

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "That is Why" by Jellyfish; "Why Can't I be you?" by the cure; "Bad news" by eels; "waiting to derail" by whiskeytown; and "Transcendtal blues" by Steve Earle.

In the stereo: "we laugh indoors" No that's in my mind, my dreams.


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