Wednesday, March 07, 2001

Zach "No Studyin' MoFucka" Kuhn

This is the new collapse.

Just got back from Champbana and a wonderful show at a new restaurant/venue called Foudini's. Reminds me of Houdini, which if you get it, you got it.

The Mt.St's were INCREDIBLE as usual. Played mostly new stuff including the awesome force "The New Collapse", which they have conceded is the best name for the song. All the girlfriends were along too, which means I spent four hours in the wake of Michelle's flood. She knows I'm kidding, I'm just not sure that I do. Amanda and Mike's girlfriend (who I only spoke to for a second) were also there. We ended up at the bar next door for about two hours, I drank 3 bud lights. I'm back here only because of the God Damn drama midterm tommorrow morning...Matt and Jarrod stayed in the Paign for a night of drinking and debauchery. I have in my possession two pictures drawn by them that will be up on the website someday. If you don't know Matt, let me just say he has a knack for drawing a certain part of the male anatomy. I'm of the opinion that he could sell these things for money, they are so fucking perfect and funny.

The Lady Friend and I could indeed write a book on percentage relationships. Right now, we're at about 73%. She almost walked past me today without waving, which would have called for a three point deduction. She came through, however, and thus we gained one point.

I'll be busy all morning today packing for Californ-i-a, buying batteries and some film for the polaroid camera, and driving home to Naper-thrill, but I shall be BLARGing sometime around 4. Hopefully Quinn and Jason and Mike and Ben (who, by the way, beats the Shee-at out of his drums. too bad he's only 14) and Michelle (I'll probably lose 5 points for mentioning her name again, but I can't help it. She met my best friend from high school at a party in chicago, and they talked about me. I turned red when I heard that...) and Amanda (who smoked three of MATT's cigarettes tonight, marking the first time that someone has bummed cigs FROM Matt rather than him using all theirs) and Rene (I think that's her name) will all be home safely by then.

Oh, and somebody sold a Mt.St's CD on Ebay. We know who you are.

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "The New Collapse" by the Mt.St. Helens; "We Laugh Indoors" by Death Cab for Cutie; "the big Payback" by James Brown; "The Radiator Hums" by Cursive; and "Champagne Supernova" by Oasis.

In the stereo: Nothing by no one. Marc probably thinks I'm kidding about Oasis, but I loved that song when I was in high school. Liam flicked me off outside the Aragon when I saw them because I held out My L.A. Dodgers hat to him. Fucking wanker.