Saturday, February 17, 2001


Holy shit, did I have way too much to drink last night. Once again, I found myself at Avo's. I'm proud to report that I only had 2 of these. Those are pretty much all that I drink. I spent the rest of the night experimenting with this, that, and especially this. Yummy. It was a rad night all around. The fusball table was fixed, kind of. Turns out that you just have to jiggle the coin slot hardcore to get all the balls come out. I ended up with a 5-3 win-loss record against Tall Ben. A couple of our games were so heated, they started to give our friend Katie an axiety attack. Poor thing.

Most of the night was spent in the kitchen, where the boss, this kick ass guy named Rob, was buying beer for everyone and giving out free pizza. It was also Tall Ben's birthday, so cake was on hand as well. I mananged to get grandly tanked and quite a stomachache on only three dollars. Nights like that just can't be beat. I tried making a pizza on my own, but the dough wouldn't go round. Then I tried making a smaller pizza out of the one that I'd already messed up, but I just ended up screwing the little one up as well. Ooh, and I tried my first soy product last night (I'm a hopeless Meat-atarian, been that way my whole life). It was called Tempeh, and it tasted a little like french fries, but spicier, and just all around better. Tall Ben put some of it on a couple of pizzas, and let me say "thumbs up".

The layout of Avo's is unique. There's a restaurant on the right side of the building, with two big doors opening up into a coffehouse area, and then two more doors on the other side of that opening into the bar. And beer can be carried throughout all three. Good news, good news. I watched a couple of acoustic groups playing in the coffeehouse. They were okay. The first one I saw was this woman, apparently wearing a black wig, singing and playing. She was decent until she started making her voice shrill and vibrate like a hyena.

After Avo's was a small rave in some church that someone bought. It was only ten bucks to get in, but somehow I got past the doorman for nothing. Doesn't matter though, I've never been much of a fan of raves and the like. Just the constant bass beat going (unt!unt!unt!unt!) doesn't do much for me. I will have to admit that the girls were attractive, even though most of them were probably only sixteen.

Promptly left there at around 2 or 3. Time just seemed to flow on and on. Came back to Tall Ben's. He passed out, I got online with the intention of blogging, but never was able to get around to it. Valentine Girl's secret identity was revealed. Oh, the places you'll go.

Was any of this coherent? Cause I think I'm still drunk, or tipsy, or whatever. Blah.