Wednesday, February 28, 2001

Zach "Second Place" Kuhn

I hint at a deep ocean of melancholy just below the surface.

Yeah we played the game. Yeah, it took two hours. I'm talking about Director's Chair, the game the Lady Friend got me for Valentine's Day. This game = sucks. The questions are all about movies from before I was born, and the ones that aren't are guaranteed to be about either:
A. Michelle Pfeifer
B. Michael Keaton
C. The guy who played Robocop (3 times that Guy's name got mentioned!)
I got into the final star first but eventually lost to Lisa, who was a good match. Christine nearly crept in at the end after almost missing this question: I wore a FULL METAL JACKET while directing A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. I know for a fact that Bob has the Kubrick collection on DVD. It took her a little bit too long, but she answered....correctly. Phew. I may have had to recommend a stern talking to and a suspension. I was in last place for a long time, but got about 40% of my questions right. I think it would be more fun if there were teams or if the questions had hints with them. I also didn't get one of the FIVE questions dealing with Steve McQueen, and the person who did get them got them wrong every time. Damn. Plus who was the last person to win best director, best screenplay, and best actor? After Orson Welles did it in 1942 it was...Woody Allen. I do not like Woody Allen. Many people do. I don't.

I will play again, however, hopefully with a little more speed and a lot less of my bickering over not knowing the rules. I am a bastard when I get competitive, hence I never play or do anything that may get competitive. I worked out all summer and only once did I raise my eyes to see what everyone else was doing. When I did they were all staring at me, unimpressed.

Anyway, I have to work my ass off to finish this paper by 3:00 tomorrow so that Chris and I can go to the holiday matinee show (I'm too tired to put their link here).

Good news, Quinn is on board for the Mark Kozelek show. Are You?

And big propers to Matt for finally getting his BLARG going, although I thought the statement he was making by having a BLARG but not using it (I'm exercising my right not to BLARG) was highly revolutionary.

Plus, I just talked to Chris and he said all the future ALL AGES shows at the CUBBY BEAR have been cancelled or moved. The Propaghandi/Avail/JChurch show has been moved to the Chicago Theatre and they will be adding 500 more tickets for sale at the door. I like Avail, but only a little, so I'm not going either way, I just thought some of you may want a head's up. 7up.

I have got to stand up and get down.

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "Now You are Found" by Joel R.L. Phelps and the Downer Trio"; "Red Bull of Juarez" by Frodus; "The Waiting" by Japancakes; "Fallow" by the Weakerthans; and "Antilyrical" by Seaweed (who rock, not rockED)

In the stereo: Japancakes and that feeling in my stomach


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