Tuesday, February 27, 2001


I drove by a Wal Mart that was closed today in Cleveland, Texas. I've never seen an "out of business" Wal Mart before. It took me a minute to process. The town obviously looked poor, but was it really that poor? Come on. Wal Mart caters directly to towns like that. I just don't get it.

I'm in Austin, Texas tonight. I'm excited as shit because I just found an old friend from high school that I hadn't talked to in about a year and a half. It surely doesn't seem that long, but my my, how time flies when you're not paying attention. Her name's Beth, and she's one of the greatest people I've ever met. We even dated for a few short weeks once. She went to college, I was just becoming a senior. I figured I'd do the honorable thing and break it off before she left. You know, I'm a nice guy and all. We still saw each other here and there, talked on the phone and whatnot, and I would drive down to visit her on a semi-regular business. Usual scene. I was still head over heels and she was experiencing her first bout of freedom (in Champaign-Urbana no less). After about two and a half, three years, we started losing touch. Calls came and went less frequently. Fewer and fewer drinks were downed on each other's behalf. But now I've found her again, and I can't help but smile.

Of course, it wouldn't have been the perfect night if she had been home when I called, but hey, who am I to complain? I double checked with the guy that answered, and indeed it is Beth from Kankakee. I might even head down to the bar real quick and down a drink on her behalf. Hmm... tantalizing thought, little guy.

On the MP3 Player: "Sweetness" by Jimmy Eat World. Can't help the way I feel. Can't fight the feeling.

Check for an early morning BLARG tomorrow. I want to see what my writing looks like at 6am.