Wednesday, December 05, 2001


The Plan:
(1) Every M, W, & F Matt comes home from class at approximately 10am and, for reasons unknown, feels obligated to pound on my door to wake me up.
(2) Set alarm clock for 9:55am and remember to sleep in the nude (or just take off my sleeping shorts as soon as the alarm goes off).
(3) When the front door opens, creep slowly out of bed and crouch at the door.
(4) When Matt knocks on the door, be ready to pounce.
(5) Abort plan if unavoidable occurence of morning wood occurs. That would be more than a little uncomfortable for both parties involved.

There's nothing that d-bag would hate more than a big, naked me kicking his ass. Hip hip, y'all.

Of course, if Matt ends up reading this before I get the chance to perform said duties, then all is lost, but I've heard him complain time and again that I spend too much time on the internet late at night. I'm a fucking geek. What-the-fuck-ev, dude. Your ass is mine (kind of literally, but mostly just figuratively).


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