As I went to read your page you know "www.superhero.com" I accidently typed "www.superher.com". OH... how I laughed, superher, how funny. But then I thought, oh yes, SuperHer, the little known girlfriend of HeMan. Now, I'm not some comic junkie like some of you nerds out there, (I was too cool for comics in high school, in fact I was too cool to read at all.***1*** ) the only reason I know this is because just today, some ridiculous 70-something, buck-toothed, hillbilly said to me, "Hey boy, bet you didn't know that SuperHer was the girlfriend of HeMan."
"You're right sir, I didn't." I responded inquisitively.
"Ha, you dumbass." he said, as he walked away laughing.
Weird huh.***2***
By the way, I would have Blarged this on the page itself, but I think it's been so long since I last wrote that I've been eliminated from the page. That, or I can't remember how to accurately get to the destination where I sign on to write. So if you need to retire me from the page I understand. I know when it's time to quit, and as my man Big Mac has so graciously set the standard for. ***3***
***1***just ask marc ("Lord of the Rings" December 19th. Finally a movie, so I don't have to read those silly books.)
***2***I really did accidently type in "www.superher.com", but the rest is embellished because I'm drunk and bored.
***3***I just wanted to point out that I referenced baseball, like marc and his hero Mark Grace... and oh yeah, I did the footnote thing (with the stars and all) cause I haven't written since that started and I thought it'd be fun.)
Next five songs: I really never know the actual names of the songs like Marc, and Zach, so I'd thorw out numbers that no one would understand, and I wouldn't know the Album title so you even if you were to want to listen to my list. Damn it, I should have learned to read.
As I went to read your page you know "www.superhero.com" I accidently typed "www.superher.com". OH... how I laughed, superher, how funny. But then I thought, oh yes, SuperHer, the little known girlfriend of HeMan. Now, I'm not some comic junkie like some of you nerds out there, (I was too cool for comics in high school, in fact I was too cool to read at all.***1*** ) the only reason I know this is because just today, some ridiculous 70-something, buck-toothed, hillbilly said to me, "Hey boy, bet you didn't know that SuperHer was the girlfriend of HeMan."
"You're right sir, I didn't." I responded inquisitively.
"Ha, you dumbass." he said, as he walked away laughing.
Weird huh.***2***
By the way, I would have Blarged this on the page itself, but I think it's been so long since I last wrote that I've been eliminated from the page. That, or I can't remember how to accurately get to the destination where I sign on to write. So if you need to retire me from the page I understand. I know when it's time to quit, and as my man Big Mac has so graciously set the standard for. ***3***
***1***just ask marc ("Lord of the Rings" December 19th. Finally a movie, so I don't have to read those silly books.)
***2***I really did accidently type in "www.superher.com", but the rest is embellished because I'm drunk and bored.
***3***I just wanted to point out that I referenced baseball, like marc and his hero Mark Grace... and oh yeah, I did the footnote thing (with the stars and all) cause I haven't written since that started and I thought it'd be fun.)
Next five songs: I really never know the actual names of the songs like Marc, and Zach, so I'd thorw out numbers that no one would understand, and I wouldn't know the Album title so you even if you were to want to listen to my list. Damn it, I should have learned to read.
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