And he said, "Those Jimmy Eat World boys sure are polite, nice, young fellows. I was telling them how they could be the next Fuel." crowd cheers enthusiastically "But they didn't seem to like that. Then I started telling them how they might be the next Gin Blossoms." crowd cheers enthusiastically "But they didn't seem to like that either."
Tonight was Weezer/Tenacious D/Jimmy Eat World night here at Redbird Arena. Was the show really worth the $33 dollars per ticket? Maybe. Jimmy Eat World played just fine, sounding tight, sounding just like they always sound = flawless. Kind of hard getting used to hearing them in an arena, though. I remember one of the Fireside shows when they played right before the pre-Clarity five song ep on Fueled By Ramen was coming out. They sounded just like that, except they didn't stop songs that they might have messed up, and they didn't act all shy and humble. They just stood up on this gargantuan stage and rocked and looked amazed by all the frattish boys holding up the rock fingers. Jim can fucking wail on guitar. This is a point not worth disputing.
Tenacious D was next, and they were everything I was hoping they would be. The above quote was taken directly from KG after they finished the medley of their first three songs, which started off with a cover of Queen's "Flash Gordon". How fucking rad is that? Just a man, with a man's courage Jack Black was no less offensive and hilarious than he is on either the cd or in his films. The guy's a damn genius as far as I'm concerned. He ran around stage, pretending at one point to be a demon bird, and telling the crowd at another point to quit their jobs and follow the artist that's imprisoned within their hearts. Hard to relate with words. One of those half musical/half theatrical performances that you have to see to believe. They even busted out a mock Wesley Willis song. Christ in a Kurdish Way! I personally think it takes a lot of balls and talent to stand on a huge stage with just two guitars and two microphones. So much these days we see people overdoing it with all the keyboards and synthesizers and dj's (ie - No Doubt, Limp Bizkit, the Faint), and it was refreshing to see these guys play these songs that are layed out with a full band on their cd with only acoustics live. KG can shred live. Unbelievable.
Weezer, obviously, finished the show. I've never seen Weezer before, and I'm a huge fan of both the Blue Album and Pinkerton. I've said on here many times that I think the new Green Album is basically mindless, emotionless, musical dribble. What kind of asshole creates music with no emotion in it? Rivers Cuomo does, and that's what he was apparently trying to portray with their elaborately overchoreographed live show. (a) They had some new dude playing bass, who looked like he was pushing 40 and might have just gotten off a stint as the bassist for Train - not that there's anything wrong with that. It was just a bit surprising. (b) Rivers kept saying things into the microphone between songs but it was impossible to either hear or understand him. Don't know what the hell he was talking about. I swear I saw him walking around the concession area before the show, and he creeped me out equally on stage and in person (if that really was him). (c) They had a billion lights, three different backdrops that all looked like they costed way too much money, and two seperate Weezer logos. Boo to overspending on the light show and backdrops. If your music's good, it should be able to speak for itself. I'm not opposed to the occasional soft lighting accompanying a band's live show every once in a while. The lights at the Metro in Chicago have never bothered me. But, when Weezer had all these lights and strobe lights and smoke machines going at the same time, it all got to be a little too much. Plus the two different logos thing bugged the shit out of me, especially since they kept the first one under the drumkit concealed for about half of the first set, and only unveiled the second one in the rafters during the encore. I'm sure they both cost a pretty penny to make, and it just never seems smart to me for a medium rank band like that to be wasting a bunch of money on trivial shit like that. (d) They changed guitars after every fucking song. Why God why? I just don't get it. If you have expensive guitars like all the bands did, there should be no reason to switch after every song. They shouldn't be going out of tune that quickly. Jimmy Eat World switched about every second or third song, which was kind of annoying, but I'll tell you they did it twice as fast as Weezer did. Those guys didn't even walk back towards the guitar techs. Rivers would just stand there, let his guitar feedback, play with the knobs until a guy came and pulled his strap off his back and put a new one over his head. I reiterate - the guy's a fucking weirdo. (e) They played five brand new songs that sounded like they were just as boring as the last ten that they put out. Boo, again.
Jeff and Luke didn't agree with me when I kept calling Weezer an arena rock band. Bands like JEW and Tenacious D can play smaller venues and do just fine. Weezer's done with that shit. They're arena rock to the core now, man. Fuck 'em.
And he said, "Those Jimmy Eat World boys sure are polite, nice, young fellows. I was telling them how they could be the next Fuel." crowd cheers enthusiastically "But they didn't seem to like that. Then I started telling them how they might be the next Gin Blossoms." crowd cheers enthusiastically "But they didn't seem to like that either."
Tonight was Weezer/Tenacious D/Jimmy Eat World night here at Redbird Arena. Was the show really worth the $33 dollars per ticket? Maybe. Jimmy Eat World played just fine, sounding tight, sounding just like they always sound = flawless. Kind of hard getting used to hearing them in an arena, though. I remember one of the Fireside shows when they played right before the pre-Clarity five song ep on Fueled By Ramen was coming out. They sounded just like that, except they didn't stop songs that they might have messed up, and they didn't act all shy and humble. They just stood up on this gargantuan stage and rocked and looked amazed by all the frattish boys holding up the rock fingers. Jim can fucking wail on guitar. This is a point not worth disputing.
Tenacious D was next, and they were everything I was hoping they would be. The above quote was taken directly from KG after they finished the medley of their first three songs, which started off with a cover of Queen's "Flash Gordon". How fucking rad is that? Just a man, with a man's courage Jack Black was no less offensive and hilarious than he is on either the cd or in his films. The guy's a damn genius as far as I'm concerned. He ran around stage, pretending at one point to be a demon bird, and telling the crowd at another point to quit their jobs and follow the artist that's imprisoned within their hearts. Hard to relate with words. One of those half musical/half theatrical performances that you have to see to believe. They even busted out a mock Wesley Willis song. Christ in a Kurdish Way! I personally think it takes a lot of balls and talent to stand on a huge stage with just two guitars and two microphones. So much these days we see people overdoing it with all the keyboards and synthesizers and dj's (ie - No Doubt, Limp Bizkit, the Faint), and it was refreshing to see these guys play these songs that are layed out with a full band on their cd with only acoustics live. KG can shred live. Unbelievable.
Weezer, obviously, finished the show. I've never seen Weezer before, and I'm a huge fan of both the Blue Album and Pinkerton. I've said on here many times that I think the new Green Album is basically mindless, emotionless, musical dribble. What kind of asshole creates music with no emotion in it? Rivers Cuomo does, and that's what he was apparently trying to portray with their elaborately overchoreographed live show. (a) They had some new dude playing bass, who looked like he was pushing 40 and might have just gotten off a stint as the bassist for Train - not that there's anything wrong with that. It was just a bit surprising. (b) Rivers kept saying things into the microphone between songs but it was impossible to either hear or understand him. Don't know what the hell he was talking about. I swear I saw him walking around the concession area before the show, and he creeped me out equally on stage and in person (if that really was him). (c) They had a billion lights, three different backdrops that all looked like they costed way too much money, and two seperate Weezer logos. Boo to overspending on the light show and backdrops. If your music's good, it should be able to speak for itself. I'm not opposed to the occasional soft lighting accompanying a band's live show every once in a while. The lights at the Metro in Chicago have never bothered me. But, when Weezer had all these lights and strobe lights and smoke machines going at the same time, it all got to be a little too much. Plus the two different logos thing bugged the shit out of me, especially since they kept the first one under the drumkit concealed for about half of the first set, and only unveiled the second one in the rafters during the encore. I'm sure they both cost a pretty penny to make, and it just never seems smart to me for a medium rank band like that to be wasting a bunch of money on trivial shit like that. (d) They changed guitars after every fucking song. Why God why? I just don't get it. If you have expensive guitars like all the bands did, there should be no reason to switch after every song. They shouldn't be going out of tune that quickly. Jimmy Eat World switched about every second or third song, which was kind of annoying, but I'll tell you they did it twice as fast as Weezer did. Those guys didn't even walk back towards the guitar techs. Rivers would just stand there, let his guitar feedback, play with the knobs until a guy came and pulled his strap off his back and put a new one over his head. I reiterate - the guy's a fucking weirdo. (e) They played five brand new songs that sounded like they were just as boring as the last ten that they put out. Boo, again.
Jeff and Luke didn't agree with me when I kept calling Weezer an arena rock band. Bands like JEW and Tenacious D can play smaller venues and do just fine. Weezer's done with that shit. They're arena rock to the core now, man. Fuck 'em.
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