Monday, July 30, 2001


Day 8: 6,608 miles, Great Falls, Montana 278 driving Sunday + 297 miles Monday + 384 miles flight from Salt Lake City

Fuck the Road Rules X d-bags. Just heard one of the d-bag dudes say "I was just so old-school Adam." Where do they find these people, and why are they letting them take over television? Can't we just go back to Cheers or more Seinfeld re-runs? Or, if you live in Bloomtown, let's saturate the airwaves with some more Simpson's - instead of The Munsters. Who replaces The Simpson's with The Munster's? Where do these people go to school, how are they getting degrees, and why are people at televesion stations hiring them?

Zach - (a) piss off & (b) thanks for the advice, I'll try to work on it. ATR, eh?

Working on a new picturepage design. Check back at midnight.