Saturday, July 28, 2001


"... and I submit to you that's not living, that's a fuckin death-in-life." -Infinite Jest, pg346

Day 7: 3,182 miles (though it's more likely to be almost twice that by the end of the day today), Fort Worth, TexASS

Behold! The P'phobe S'hos Go Photogenic! I took my first shower in the past few days a little while ago, and was staring in the mirror when I started thinking about how we're all just names to everyone that reads this (unless of course you already know us, in which case our faces are already known). So, I took it upon myself to search my hard-drive and the internet for some pictures of us, and this was the best that I could do. Mostly Straight Legged Kick shots, I know, but it's the best that I could do on such short notice. And, Zach had said something a few days ago about getting some up. I'm using DSL @ my hotel, so I figured that tonight would be the best night. Sorry they're all so big, and sorry the page is so crappy, but that's all I've got. HTML and I aren't exactly best buddies, okay?

And boo to Zach for never having been in a band before (which would've made my job of finding pictures of him on the net much easier). I know I've got some at home, and Matt's got a scanner, so we'll all work this thing out sometime soon.

When I shower, I fucking shower. I was in that damn bathroom for something like 45 minutes tonight. I used way too much conditioner, way too much shampoo, and way too much mouthwash (almost the entire complimentary little bottle). But, the way I see it, I probably won't sack up and do this again for a few days, so I might as well be thorough. I even shaved, which kind of sucked because I cut myself for the first time since 1998 (Watterson Dormitory, pre-party Thursday night). I went out that night with a serious gash to the side of my lip, and for some reason it did not want to stop bleeding. Maybe I should start using shaving cream. I never have (except when I was like 10, and I didn't need to shave, never even touched the razor to my face really, just kind of scraped the top layer of shaving cream off my face, cupped my hands under the sink, got water all over the place, and then went to bed with two ears full of the shit).

Can you tell that I was extremely bored tonight?