Saturday, July 28, 2001


You showed up.

You should all know by now that the reason Marquis didn't put up a picture of me is because I'm the ugliest, fattest, shortest, thinnest, surliest, big-eardest, S.O.B. this side of a Rolling Stone Critics convention.

Only Four more phobias today, which puts me to 10 through the letter "D". That's not too bad, methinks. Favorite of the day: fear of getting undressed in front of other people. One time, in the dorms, I walked into a friend of mine's room because she told me it was unlocked and I rounded the corner of her room and her roomate was there with her shirt off, and this girl has a major league phobia of taking off her shirt, won't even do it with her boyfriends and such. She looked up thinking it was her roomate, and instead it was me. Shriek, dive to bed, cover with blanket, face turn red, yell, laugh, and all that. Later I joked with her that I wouldn't be afraid to see that again, and she hit me. Hard.

One day until The Crime Dog arrives. That is a Terrible nickname. Better than Kuhn Dog, but still terrible.

And I ate my Pernice Bros. tickets last night, so instead I went to bed early and turned up their new record. If you take away the smoke and the annoying drunks talking at high volume, it's basically the same. Now if I had only tried that with Mark Kozelek....

And for those of you who didn't get the inside joke, Eschaton is basically a 25 page part of Infinite Jest in which the author describes a very precise and everlasting game played by tennis campers that involves military strategy, the use of a laptop computer, and diplomatic immunities. And you still don't get it...

Next five: "The Ballad of Bjorn Borg" by the Pernice Bros; "Shout" by Tears For Fears; "Allentown" by Billy Joel; "I didn't come here to die" by spoon; and "the best imitation of myself" by ben folds five.

In the stereo: Making the TRL tour. Favorite quote: "This is what life on the road is really all about" while the ladies lounge in their million dollar tour bus. think that's true?


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