Wednesday, July 25, 2001


Let it all out, these are the things we can do without, so c'mon.

I'm talking to You: if yer headed for the Hey Mercedes show***1*** know that it starts at 6:00 p.m and not 6:30 as it is written on the ticket. Know this as well: I only got to see two of their songs tonight, and I got there at 6:15. What I heard sounded great, and the crowd seemed into it. I said crowd. There were shitloads of people there, and they all evidently knew that the show started at 6. The people I went with and many others did not have this info. And I don't blame the band, cuz I have it from a reputable source that they had no idea. I also have it from a reputible source***2*** that the reason for this early start was so that the last band could play for an hour and a half. The get up kids got on as we were leaving, at 8:30. That left them 90 fucking minutes to play. No band, not the Stones circa '68, not Elliott Smith circa '96; not Jesus Christ circa the Golden Age needs 90 minutes for a show. I don't even think both their albums put together last longer than 90 minutes. Saves the Day did it right. Got on the stage, played ten songs, got off the stage. No tuning in between songs, no banter with invisible friends way cooler than us in the balcony, no bullshit. And they were quite good, if a bit young looking.

Top Matt Fastism of the night***3***: "Dude, if I wanted to hear this I could go into my bed room and do it myself". Matt on Dashboard Confessional.

So I spent $25 on the ticket, $8 on parking,$12 on one round of beer; and the fucking people make Hey Mercedes play early to many other people's than mine's shagrin. When we got in and I heard "Eleven to yer Seven", I thought they were playing the CD. Then I figured it out, and I asked the girl at the door what time my ticket said the show started, and she looks and says 6:30. I ask her what time it is, and she says 6:14. I ask her why the show started early, and she goes "I don't know." Thanks.

So I went to see the Hey Mercedes, and all I got was this stupid t-shirt. And I didn't even get the stupid t-shirt, since the T-shirts were actually quite nice looking. So all I got was a ride home mimicking Jim from Jimmy's voice. That was worth it, I suppose.

No top fives, since all my hate and anger goes towards the House of Blues. Bastards.

**1***Some other bands are playing too, although they didn't do much for me.
***2***Read: security guard at the front door.
***3***Like drunk driving, The Panaphobic superhero does not condone either of the Fast's opinions on certain subjects. Just the one's he's right on, which is 80% of the time. you do the math.


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