Monday, July 09, 2001


Bite Me.

Well, the Marshall head is mine. All congrats to ... me. The check's in the mail, so when it clears, I'll have a new rock block to play. And I couldn't be happier. Now, all I need is the cabinet.

I'm at the library again. I was hoping that they'd have my grades posted for these last two classes, but, alas, they weren't. I got ten shades of nervous as I signed in, wanting to/but not really wanting to know what I got. I'd rather have my mom call me and tell me over the phone. I know she doesn't wait to open the envelope. That way, the initial shock is all on her. I've got padding.

And, yes, to those of you who've been so kind as to inquire, I am going to be on my way back to work hopefully within the next few weeks. Apparently, there are two trips in the works for me. One is a return trip to Colorado (both east and western parts of that gorgeous state). And the other is my second trip to Utah (if everything works out alright). I have to talk to my boss in DC to confirm this, and get dates, but I'm sure that won't be much of a problem. He thinks I'm a hard enough worker to let me pick and choose when and where I go. If only I weren't such a lazy mo-fo. I could've been back to work next week. Maybe I'll try to coordinate my trip to Krazyfest with a site in Kentucky that needs to be done. Hmmm...

Movies Watched Last Night: Brain Candy - a romp through the wonderful world of the Kids in the Hall. I've seen this movie about ten times now, and it only gets better. Will the DVD gods please rush its release date (w/a making of)? Shakespeare In Love (parts of) - actually, Matt watched this one. I sat in on a few parts. I got it free at the Movie Fan. Something about rent two, get one free. Why not, right? I've seen this movie eleven times, and it only gets better. Will the DVD gods please make the price on this one go down?

And, we had a good day yesterday here at the Hero. If you're totally bored, why not check it out? Lots of banter between brothers. There's love in the air. Can you feel it?